Orders & Information
Didn't make it to Registration???
If you are new and would like to get registered use the button above!
If you are a returning swimmer, let me know if there are any changes to your info since last year, let me know and I can get it updated.
If you are adding a new swimmer from your family send me their name and birthday and I can get them added!
2024 Team Motto
Here is the season's team motto. Only you can control your E.A.R.T.H. Effort, Attitude, Reaction, Thoughts, Habits
This motto represents how you need to focus on the things that are in your control, and not get caught up on the things outside of your control.

Team Pic Orders
Be at the aquatic center in black suits at 8:10 to get lined up.
Team photo will start at 8:30
Individual photos will start after the team photo is finished.
Order forms and money will collected after the team photo is taken.
Each swimmer will need an order form for each photo being taken.
Ex. If Luke and Leia wanted individual pictures, Luke would need an order form and Leia would need an order form. If Luke and Leia wanted a buddy shot together, that would be an additional form.